

1762 was a good year. In Rome, the Trevi Fountain had just been completed. Leopold Mozart arranged the first concert tour of Europe for his son, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. And it was a good year for Traiskirchen too. It was then that the Alphart family began growing vines locally. Our ‘Heuriger’ (estate inn) was built in 1907, providing the basis for our current business.

The Rodauner vineyard was first planted in 1920, on the site where the Alphart Rotgiplfer grows. And still does today. We can now look back on 100 years of Rotgipfler. So, let’s raise a glass to us and to you. But the Alphart family already had plans for making sure their wines became known throughout the world. In 1929, they were already bottling it and sending it outside the borders of Austria. Sadly, like many other places, the property was seriously damaged in the war, but subsequent restoration was never in question. It was a long road, involving hard work, until everything was rebuilt. But good wines thrive on hard work. And the Alphart family has stayed true to this concept to today.

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